Mapping a Plan to Career Success


As a healthcare professional working in a hugely rewarding industry, you likely have ambitions to build a fantastic, varied career, but together with all the other parts of your life, it can be difficult to set a clear path to succeed at work without getting bogged down in the day-to-day. Here are a few helpful ideas to reach your work goals sooner than you think.

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1. Keep Learning

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]This applies to all lines of work!  However, one of the best ways you can truly grow as a nurse or carer is to keep educating yourself. Education is not only a great route into career advancement, but it will also help you manage harder, more demanding tasks and learn from people who are the best in the business. There are some great resources for Nurses and other healthcare professionals to elevate their skills and knowledge. Some great resources include:

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2. Be Realistic About Reaching Your Goals

By realistic, we mean don’t always shoot for the moon!  Set yourself short-term targets. Consider your skillset, and your available pathways.  By all means be ambitious, however, a realistic approach is less likely to let you down than an idealistic one. Gain a variety of experience and use your current skillset in different settings to demonstrate your capabilities.

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3. Review Your Goals Regularly

You don’t have to stick to a solid plan. It may seem like cheating to edit your goals too much, but it really isn’t!  As life goes on, things change, and the ability to be adaptable will put you in great stead. Therefore, it’s important to keep going back to your plans, and adjust them according to what’s happening in your life.

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4. Take it Day by Day

It’s easy to think of your long-term plan on a frequent, constant basis.  However, the only way you are going to reach these goals is to take small steps. Apply for roles that appeal to you – find an employer who will support you for years to come and give you the flexibility to go after what you want.

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5. Find a Mentor

Identifying with someone who’s professional practice or personal values you admire and respect is a good starting point. Senior colleagues you encounter through ongoing positions or on agency shifts are great role models and many are only too willing to offer advice or career guidance. YNA actively employs clinically experienced nurses in management roles. YNA Managers are always available to discuss career goals you may have. Don’t hesitate to consult your local office. You can find their details here.
