The Benefits of Regional and Remote Agency Work

Are you a nurse or carer who enjoys travelling, new experiences, meeting new people and working in various healthcare settings? Then it’s time for you to consider regional and remote assignments. From the Kimberley region in WA all the way to Norfolk Island, an adventure is waiting for you, along with the pay packet to boot. These positions provide a range of exciting benefits including excellent pay and adventures in diverse locations. Qualified candidates will never have to worry about finding work as there is always something around the corner or across the country.

Earn Money and Save on Accommodation

Due to the remote locations of the interesting places we could send you, the pay rates are always above and beyond the regular nurse or carer’s wage. Our supportive team makes sure that wherever you are placed, accommodation is provided and travel subsidised. Houses or apartments come furnished, so you get to live in interesting new places without settling down.

Picking Assignment Destinations

Working as a travel nurse or carer means that you get to pick your assignment destinations in an abundance of interesting locations, meaning you can be a tourist during your downtime. The best thing about travelling assignments is that you can take breaks between assignments to go home or back to base, knowing that there is less pressure to be working for an average wage and there is always something interesting around the corner. Not many people can take a three-week trip to a dream location and still be earning and exploring between work commitments.

Gain Experience in Different Healthcare Facilities

Travelling healthcare professionals get to work in many different facilities and are exposed to diverse and new ideas, techniques, and technologies. This helps them expand their medical knowledge and work with people from various backgrounds. This experience, in turn, is extremely valuable to boost career opportunities for future employment.

If you’re interested in seeing where YNA can take you, contact us at