Sponsorship Opportunities for Nurse & Midwives


The Australian Department of Home Affairs has recently granted Your Nursing Agency approval to sponsor Registered Nurses (RN) and Registered Midwives (RM) under an On-Hire Labour Agreement. This enables RNs and RMs to either relocate to Australia and commence working or continue to live in Australia with working rights. The sponsorship positions will include temporary visas under the Temporary Skills Shortage stream (Sub-Class 482) for the sponsored employee and direct family members, if applicable.


Am I eligible to be considered for sponsorship?

Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives who can demonstrate:

What positions are available?

The positions available require sponsored employees to work full-time with clients of Your Nursing Agency. This may include public and private hospitals, residential aged care facilities or clients in the community. The roles vary according to your skills and experience. The salary will correlate to RNs and RMs with Australian citizenship and with comparable experience. Our clients are located throughout Australia in capital cities, regional centres and remote locations. We will engage with you to learn your preferences, family circumstances and long-term goals to identify a role in a location or location/s to suit you.

What are the benefits?

  • Opportunity to work in Australia for a minimum period of 12 months and up to four years
  • The support of an established national agency, paying above award rates
  • Roles offering local clinical experience and recognition for future permanent visa application.

How do I gain Australian registration (AHPRA)?

There are several factors involved in the registration application process including where you qualified, your post graduate experience and whether you are intending to work in Australia temporarily or you wish to migrate. There is considerable information on the AHPRA website for Internationally Qualified Nurses and Midwives (IQNM) about the application process.

Graduates with nursing and midwifery qualifications issued by education institutions in some countries are more likely to meet the requirements for registration criteria than others.

We recommend completing a Self-check to see if you are eligible. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please email recruitment@yna.com.au
