YNA partners with Apeiron homes to deliver Onsite Support Services in Specialist Disability Accommodation

Expression Of Interest

We believe in the potential of everyone we support and focus on enabling you to live a fulfilled life.

In Melbourne’s leafy Ormond, Apeiron homes have partnered with YNA for the delivery of person-centred onsite Supported Independent Living (SIL).

Bowerbird forms a series of apartments that effortlessly entwines accessibility and community living within a welcoming environment. Just like a bowerbird, K20 Architecture has curated an elegant selection of line, shape, and design in its latest showing of contemporary disability architecture.

Your physical home is just one part of living well and at Bowerbird you have the built environment, adaptive to your needs. We will work together with you to understand your individual needs and the supports you require to maximise your independence, support your choices and enable you to have control over how you wish to live in your forever home.

At Bowerbird, the apartment options include 1 and 2 bedroom residences. YNA will provide 24/7 onsite shared support to ensure all residents have peace of mind. This enables you to have the choice to experience round the clock support and care to suit your individual requirements.

Bowerbird isn’t just a place to live, it’s a home to thrive. Somewhere you can grow independently. All while nestling yourself in and amongst a friendly neighbourhood community.

This building isn’t just about accessibility and sustainability, it’s also about encouraging you to express your own personality throughout the home – starting with your front door. For example, you decide on what colour door you want that says ‘welcome to my home’.

All apartments will achieve platinum-level certification under liveable housing design guidelines and an outstanding 8 star NatHERS rating. Making your move not only sustainably conscious and carbon-positive, but also progressive in all aspects of the word.

YNA believe that the key to living a great life is your health and wellbeing. For this reason, we have a team of qualified and experienced staff to consider all aspects of your health to guide your care and support. This ensures high quality, professional and tailored support for each resident. We take the time to get to know you personally and learn how to best provide active support in partnership, enabling you to achieve your life goals and objectives.

Everyone’s circumstances are different, and we work with you to understand what you need and want from your living. The choices we present will vary according to your requirements, preferences, and your location.

If you are exploring accessible forever home options and would like to discuss apartments at Bowerbird, talk to the YNA Community team now. Call 03 8823 0585 or email community@yna.com.au.